AIS and Gulf to Build Solar-Powered Infrastructure for Connectivity in Mountain Regions

2024-06-10 13:32:30

Thai energy company Gulf Energy Development, Advanced Info Service (AIS), Thailand's telecommunications provider, and the Highland Research and Development Institute (HRDI), a public organisation, have teamed up to improve connectivity in mountainous regions by building solar infrastructure in Thailand's remote areas. Under the "Green Energy, Green Network for THAIs" project, Gulf, AIS, and HRDI will deliver solar power-generated electricity to under-resourced communities and install solar-powered base stations to build out telecommunication systems that connect underserved areas to digital platforms.


Pilot Programs in Remote Areas

Gulf said that under the project, pilot programs were launched in two remote areas, namely Ban Dok Mai Sod community and Moko Poke community in the Mae Usu subdistrict of Tha Song Yang district, Tak province. The aim is to progressively extend this project to other remote areas lacking critical essentials like electricity and telecommunications infrastructure.

AIS's Commitment to Sustainability

Commenting on the announcement last Friday, Advanced Info Service (AIS) said, "Our work with Gulf and HRDI reinforces AIS's commitment to sustainable business practices in all areas, including the development of digital networks to drive community economies. We are breaking down barriers to expand our network coverage, ensuring digital access for all Thais. By leveraging technology and renewable energy sources, such as solar cells, we can efficiently manage communication systems and deliver digital networks to targeted communities."

Collaborative Efforts for Connectivity

Gulf shared, "In 2023, Gulf and its subsidiary Gulf1 initiated a mission to bring clean energy and connectivity to underserved communities. The initiative began with pilot projects installing solar panels in three remote areas: Baan Huai Nam Sai (Phitsanulok Province), Thung Nang Dam Island (Phang Nga Province), and Baan Dok Mai Sod (Tak Province). Gulf1 engineers not only installed the systems but also trained residents on their use and maintenance, ensuring sustained practicality and long-term effectiveness of the implementation."

"To address the communication challenges faced by these communities, Gulf joined forces with AIS to expand the project's scope. This collaboration aims to bridge the digital gap while simultaneously providing clean energy solutions," Gulf added.