Asia Pacific

Pacific Mobile Telecom

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Company Profile

Ia Orana Vodafone Polynesia: Our story began June 17 2013 at the official launch of Vodafone in Polynesia. With one goal: to offer the best service Polynesians at the best price. Ia Orana competition: The arrival of a new telephone operator in Polynesia is a revolution in either Vodafone disturbs the landscape of telephony is more than a new player on the market but by positioning itself as a real competitor.. New for the telephony industry but also for the whole of the Polynesian society. The Polynesian consumer discovers the benefits of competition and can finally compare offers operators. Ia Orana performance: Changes brought by Vodafone Polynesia is also technological. The latest deployment of 3G antennas has provided the consumer a unique experience with 3G speed 5 times higher than its competitor. *


S.No. First Name Last Name Job Title Email
1 Felicita ATIU Chargée de recouvrement
2 Camille Sivignon Assistant administratif commercial
3 Christine CHIN FOO Chargée de recouvrement

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