Asia Pacific


Website Ownership Brand Name Brand Logo South East Asia Telecom Group Seatel

Company Profile

South East Asia Telecom Group Pte Ltd (SEATEL Group) was established in 2014 in Singapore as a mobile telecom and ISP investor in ASEAN region. South East Asia Telecom (Cambodia) Co Ltd (SEATEL Cambodia) founded in 2014 the subsidiary of SEATELGroup in Cambodia is a comprehensive telecommunication operator whose business includes mobile telecommunication and Internet services. SEATEL Cambodia has the related operating licenses from the royal government of Cambodia such as licenses of mobile communications (including 4G LTE) ISP wireless fixed-line VOIP and others and this subsidiary has begun its nationwide 4G FDD LTE mobile telecommunication network construction and planned to start the operation in the first half of 2015. The company implements thoroughly the strategy of the mobile Internet and devotes itself to mobile voice data IP telephony broadband Internet access multimedia and other integrated services. SEATEL Group will strive to present to the market the most advanced technologies the full range of applications and the best-performed networks as well as to provide with diversified multi-level all-round and customized information service to the people of ASEAN region.


S.No. First Name Last Name Job Title Email
1 Tom Yao Head of ISP Business
2 Phearoth Lo Channel Sale Supervisor
3 Kimhour LORM Accountant/ Finance
4 Kosal Ky Digital Marketing
5 Yudong ZHANG Chief Administrative Officer

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