Asia Pacific

Progresif Cellular

Website Ownership Brand Name Brand Logo Darussalam Assets Sdn Bhd (government) Progresif Cellular

Company Profile

We're a company with a telling name. Progresif. We have a deep respect for the past a passion for the now and the next and a goal to bring the people of Brunei the endless possibilities that come with a connected life. Our progressive mindset makes us comfortable challenging the status quo while staying true to our centuries-old values of harmony unity and loyalty. We're blending the past and the possible and starting something special. Across Progresif from our retail stores and technology posts to customer service centers we are driven to help people explore more learn more and achieve more. We are a company powered by people with heart. Progresif people are our best competitive advantage. We're nurturing their creativity innovation and intellectual growth for the betterment of all. What's good for our customers is also good for our country and our company.


S.No. First Name Last Name Job Title Email
1 ******* Bahrum ******************* **************
2 ****** Najeeb ****************************** *************
3 **** El Fassed ************************************ ***********
4 ***** haniah jaafar *********************** ************
5 ****** Basir ********************************** ************

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Some Of Our Valued Clients

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