Asia Pacific

Bhutan Telecom

Website Ownership Brand Name Brand Logo Bhutan Telecom Ltd (BTL) Bhutan Telecom

Company Profile

Bhutan Telecom Limited (BTL) is the leading provider of telecommunications and Internet services in the Kingdom of Bhutan. Besides fixed line telephony it provides GSM Mobile services under its flagship brand B-Mobile and Internet Services under the brand name of DrukNet. It is the leading provider of both mobile telephony and Internet services in the country and the only fixed line telephony services provider in the country. BTL came into existence on 1 July 2000 as a fully state-owned company with the corporatization of the erstwhile Department of Telecommunications which was established in 1970. The first rudimentary works in building a telecommunication network in the country was taken up in 1963 to aid development works of the First Five Year Plan for modern economic development of the country. Since then BTL has come a long way from its humble beginnings and today boasts of a fully digital microwave and optical fiber backbone network covering the length and breadth of the country. BTL has left no stone unturned in its efforts towards fulfilling both its commercial and social mandates. Today BTL’s revenue and customer base are growing at a sustained pace. B-Mobile has taken its services to even the remotest corners of the country where commercial viability is out of the question and its network has covered all 205 Gewogs (Blocks) in the country.


S.No. First Name Last Name Job Title Email
1 Tshewang Gyeltshen CEO
2 Sangay Wangdi General Manager Marketing
3 Sonam Phuntsho Marketing Officer
4 Tandin Lhamo Marketing Officer
5 Chandra Bdr. Monger Marketing Officer

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