Middle East & Africa


Website Ownership Brand Name Brand Logo
www.smilecoms.com Smile Communications (Al-Nahla Technology Atheeb Trading Company Capitalworks Verene) Smile

Company Profile

Founded in 2007 (and incorporated in Mauritius Smile Telecoms Holdings Ltd) (Smile) owns and operates mobile wireless 4G LTE broadband networks in the 800MHz band in Nigeria Tanzania and Uganda. By the end of 2015 Smile will offer clear voice services and have national coverage comparable to the largest 3G network in each of its current countries of operation. Smile will launch its broadband network in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) early in 2016.


S.No. First Name Last Name Job Title Email
1 ***** charnley *********************** **************@smilecoms.com
2 ********* Okoth ******************************** ***************@smilecoms.com
3 ****** Manan **************** ************@smilecoms.com
4 ******** Odayan ************************************************* ***************@smilecoms.com
5 ****** Owako ******************************* **************@smilecoms.com

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